Cat Croteau
"Hi! I’m Cat Croteau. Human, wife, mother, yogi, hiker, and book lover.
I’ve been teaching yoga since 2017 after graduating from The Black Hills Yoga School and though I am a blossoming teacher I’ve been practicing asana since the late 90’s. The physical side of yoga called to me early in my practice but as my life changed, so has my practice and focus. I realized the foundation of calm I’d built inside was way more potent that anything I could do with my physical body! Now my passion is for gentle movement practices like Yin and Restorative Yoga, rest practices like Yoga Nidra and meditation, and breath work paired with mantra. Since graduating from a 300 level YTT I have furthered my studies with trainings in Yin yoga, Accessible Yoga, Kids Yoga, Yoga Nidra, The 5 Elements Dance Theory, and Restorative Yoga.
My goal as a yoga teacher is to encourage people to move and rest in ways that are beneficial and healing. May all beings be safe, happy, and free. Peace!"
Rest Nest: The sacred art of restorative yoga and yoga nidra
Rest is a skill and like all skills, practice is essential! In a world that is continually focused on more, on goals, on the next thing; take time to let all that go and actively rest. Train, teach, and restore the nervous system by intentionally slowing down, using lots of soft props, and giving yourself an agenda/goal free 75 min to experience yourself, befriend yourself!
Saturday Morning
at Vibrant Life
809 South St, Suite 305