One of the many beautiful things to love about the South Dakota Yoga Conference is how it brings us together. We come from so many walks of life, experiences, ethnicity, ages, religions, political views, and identities. Still, we don't necessarily need to gather in person to be connected. We are all connected.
As we each do the yoga in our own lives, ripples of healing and transformation vibrate the threads that connect us to all of life. I challenge us to keep coming back to our open hearts and grounded love. To meditate on peace and oneness. To witness and hold space for the wholeness of life (not always sparkly and sweet), yours and all others. Let's practice our personal boundaries, fully charged with loving light. Simultaneously, stay tenderly open to the flow of life within, through and around us. That's the yoga, my friends. This is what I keep coming back to, anyway. This is simple, but not easy, and not straightforward. Be gracious and compassionate. And, as we (humanity) continue to navigate potential realities unfolding, I offer up this invitation to myself and each of you.
Look into the shadows. Be brave and strong where you need to be, but don’t project your fears and monsters onto everything. Heal your wounds. Process your process. Disengage divisive drama. Be kind. Stop with the name calling. Slow your judgements. Check your reactions. Nurture love.
For the benefit of all beings.
Om Shanti
Om lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu
Thank you. I love you.